Sunday, November 16, 2014

Princess, the Hypnodog!

Hey there! Great to see you today. Thanks for clicking by the ol' Virtual Cafe. Just in time, too. Coffee's freshly brewed and there's an array of virtual treats next to the coffeepot that will make both your eyes and mouth water, so dig in! Say...ever been to a hypnotist? Well, sit, stay, and listen to this.

Princess, a four-year-old German Spitz, is supposedly the world’s only hypnodog – a dog that can hypnotize people. She has been showing off her unique skill on stage for the past two years, alongside her owner Krystyna Lennon, a qualified hypnotist.

According to Lennon, Princess is able to make people fall asleep by just staring into their eyes. This might be linked to the primal ability of dogs to hypnotize their prey, but no other dog has ever been able to do it to humans before. “As far as I am aware, she is definitely the only hypnodog in the UK – possibly even the world,” Lennon asserted.

The Leeds-based mother-of-three said that Princess can hypnotize anyone, but some people react more strongly than others. “It is definitely not something that just any dog can do, it is a very specific skill,” she added. “They either have it or they don’t. It’s about their natural ability, it’s all down to the dog. They need to be very well trained and well behaved.”

Holy doggy-do! Can you believe it... instead of The Great we have The Great Fido!  Your eyes are getting are feeling very relaxed...very very relaxed as your eyes grow heavier and heavier.

See ya, eh! I have to go take a nap!
